Archive for June, 2010

Kate and Dieter
June 28, 2010

When I asked who pursued who, Dieter quickly responded with, “Kate did.” very matter-of-fact-like. She blushed and couldn’t deny it. They both found themselves lifeguarding at a local complex and Dieter longingly referred to Kate as ‘one of the Kathleen’s’ to his friends. It wasn’t long before they fell for the other and 5 and a half years later…here we are. All the best to the two of you. I loved your day and enjoyed capturing the moments in-between where your personality and love for one another shone through. I’m sure you’ll agree, that this side of the camera captured the depth of your feelings.

To see a few more pictures check out the Fiorito Foto fan page on facebook and click on the album, “Kate and Dieter”.

“Moving Sidewalks”
June 23, 2010

It’s been said* that to have a good story you need to take risks. We feel like that’s one of the things we document for our clients. Their stories. Each one comes with risks; taking that first step and asking your crush out, finally leaning in for the first kiss and eventually getting down on one knee. Life can feel risky but what would your story be without those risks? So, the next time you’ve found yourself dancing with the one you’ve been swooning over for the last 4 months and haven’t had the courage to convey your interest….do it. Lean in.  And maybe, you can call us up in a few years to take some snaps of your story.

Here’s a couple whose story has led them to a beautiful son and a great life…

*When we said “It’s been said…” we were pretty directly referring to a book we both finished reading by a pretty inspiring author, Don Miller (find him here. ). In his book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, he writes about the need for us to take risks and not settle for mediocrity, especially when we know that we can do better. We feel like we’ve been taking some risks lately, with photography, decisions, life. It feels like Mr. Miller may have been on to something.
Most of us aren’t able to look back and “edit” our lives, like Don does in the book; we get one time around…make it count.

Au Natural
June 16, 2010

And oh do I love my 50 mm that gives me amazing bokeh every time!!!

June 1, 2010

This post will conclude my, “I went to LA to go to a Jasmine Star workshop, and had fun in the sun while capturing images of the most beautiful models” ranting. I talked about it yesterday, and all I have to say today is that I’m so thankful to anyone who has hired us. You have made our dreams come true and every day they seem to get bigger and you all have been there to encourage and hire us some more. These opportunities wouldn’t have been available to us without clients who believed in our work and who we are as photographers and people.

To all the wonderful photographers that I met last week who I now consider friends: you all are contributing to us and our brand as well. Thank you and all the best to you and your thriving businesses.

Also please note the slideshow that I *finally* figured out how to do at the bottom of this post.











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